Download Kafka For Mac

Install Homebrew

Note: To know the forepath directory, use 'pwd' command. It will display its name. Step3: After setting the path, apply 'kafka-' or '' command to know whether the path is successfully set. If the mac users have Brew installed, they can use it for Kafka installation. There are following steps used to install Apache Kafka using brew. Go to your Kafka installation directory: C: kafka2.11- 2. Open a command prompt here by pressing Shift + right click and choose the β€œOpen command window here” option).

Homebrew is a great little package manager for OS X. If you haven't already, installing it is pretty easy:

Kafka Download Linux

Install Java

Download and install Java:

Install Kafka

Download Kafka Tool For Mac

Kafka tool

This installs Apache Kafka, and dependency zookeeper if it's not already installed:

Starting Kafka

Starting zookeeper and default kafka server:

Download Kafka Tool

  • Properties: /usr/local/etc/kafka
  • Logs: /usr/local/var/log/kafka
  • Data: /usr/local/var/lib/kafka-logs


  • [Apache Kafka] (
  • [Kafka and Spring boot] (
  • You're looking for an awesome tool to get insights into your @apachekafka cluster, manage brokers & topics, etc?
    Have a look at @getconduktor. It's awesome and it's free during beta.

    β€” RenΓ© Kerner (@rk3rn3r) July 28, 2019
  • Anyone working with #kafka should give @getconduktor a spin. If you are worried about #support, this example of 33 minutes from error to solution should help calm your fears :)

    β€” Mitchell Turner (@mitchelldturner) February 10, 2020
  • It’s quite fascinating how @getconduktor empowers a humble business user like myself to deep dive into Kafka. Should be on every Product Manager desktop. #kafka

    β€” Cedric Sadai (@yeahscience) December 17, 2019
  • If you work with kafka, check out @getconduktor . Really slick GUI and they have been adding features at a super rapid pace. My favorite feature is jq DSL projections of JSON messages.

    β€” Peter Lyons (@focusaurus) December 9, 2019
  • Thanks for this awesome tool! I've been using it very regularly with little to no issues and it's been super useful.

    β€” Simon (@strigona) February 8, 2020
  • @getconduktor Wow, I have to just say wow. This desktop app for Kafka is simply AMAZING. Every now and then you find those cool little tools/apps that is totally impressive, here is one of those. I will gladly be buying a personal license whenever that happens.

    β€” Brandon Lamb (@brandonlamb1) January 1, 2020
  • Wow! It works! Yes that's what I need! This was fast! Thank you a lot, guys, great work, the more I use Conduktor the more I like it. :-)

    β€” Ivan Ponomarev (@inponomarev) February 15, 2020
  • Excellent @getconduktor . You have solved a real time problem πŸ‘πŸ‘

    β€” Jenison Gracious (@JenisonGracious) February 11, 2020
  • I downloaded and ran @getconduktor today. This tool is amazing. If you work with @apachekafka you NEED this tool. Great work!

    β€” Rob Hoeting (@RobHoeting) January 31, 2020
  • Congrats! using this has been life-changing

    β€” Calvin L F (@cal_fern) April 10, 2020